Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Support Kiva yemen

I support Kiva, so I publish this text on my blog. If you support them, feel free to post this text to your blog or Facebook.

Kiva, meaning unity in Swahili, is a non-profit organization dedicated to alleviating poverty in the world. It was founded in 2005 by a young couple after taking a course about micro-finance and discovered how micro-loans can be so powerful in helping an entrepreneur stay in buisness.

Kiva's initiative in the Middle East is Kiva Arab Youth. It is dedicated to helping young entrepreneurs un der the age 30 in Yemen, Palestine,Iraq,Jordan and Lebanon stay in buisness by connecting them with lenders around the world.

Here's how Kiva works:

This is not charity. When you help out an entrepreneur with as little as $25 you are actually making an investment. you get this investment back and, if you like, invest it in more people.

You can check out Kiva at their official website to start www.kiva.org/arabyouth and see how many of these entrepreneurs are located in Yemen. You can also find them on Facebook

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